Saturday, April 24, 2010

Not sure how I feel today..

Mommy I'm Here

Mommy I know this day wasn't what you had planned,

But I'm right here beside you, holding your hand.

My spirit has already gone, there's so much work to do,

But our Father let me come today so I could comfort you.

I know you and Daddy love me, and it's hard to see me go,

But that is why we're sent to earth, so we can learn and grow.

I wish I could stay with you here and play with my brother's and sister's too,

But for now I'll have to wait until your missions are though.

I'll be near when you need me to wipe away your tears,

to hold you tight and kiss your cheeks and chase away your fears.

And on the day our Father calls you to come home

I'll be right there to get you, you'll never be alone.

-Deanne Taylor

Not sure how I feel today... The day is young though so hopefully things for me will get out of this BLAH state im in at the moment.

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