Tuesday, June 15, 2010

needed a good cry

So, my week has started off on the rough side.  I've been holding everything in for so long I finally exploded.  It's funny the things that set you off.  Im OK now though.  I needed a good cry and I got more than my fair share of one yesterday. 
We celebrated the two oldests birthdays this weekend. Had a big to do at the park, I think everyone had a good time.  It wasent as big and elaborate as I had invisioned but it was nice.  Our fundage was low thanks to some douche bag kid breaking into our van and getting our debit card/credit card.  So we were out a bit, but the bank should refund all the charges once the investigation is over. Hopefully that will be soon.
There was a lady dropping off her daughter to the party who was pregnant.  She went on and on about how much she hates being pregnant blah blah blah.. Thinking to myself how much I would give to still be pregnant as she was talking.  She is due Aug 25th.  Three days before Rowan's due date was to be.  I did good though I think I held myself together quite well, I even held a baby :)
Keirsten got a bead kit as a gift and made me a necklace with all the kids first initial on it, it was really sweet.  Sadly I cant find it and judgeing by the look of Jacobs poop im pretty sure he ate all the beads, im not about to dig them out!  Anyway this is me since my last little bloggy thing.  

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