Tuesday, May 18, 2010

So today is...

So today is so far so good. I have ups and downs all throughout the day and so far I'm good. Ive been trying to stay busy as busy as I can because I don't want that dreadful down that I know is to come. I have decided to not go back to the therapist. It isn't like what I have been going through isn't normal. I could see it if I was so bad it was interfering with daily life to the point I cant function semi normal. Yeah things aren't normal right now, nor do I see them ever being the way they were before Rowan but at least I'm OK. I don't want to say things are getting better because this isn't something you "get better" from, despite that being the thought of others. I'm not sick! I'm a grieving mother who lost her child. Yeah it sucks! Yeah it breaks my heart! but it isn't a sickness! So I don't need a cure, I need time. That I can get without paying $140 a month so someone who honestly could care less listen to me piss and moan about my lot in life. So there ya have it! Today is so far so good!

1 comment:

  1. Stay strong Erica, and know that you have an amazing Saviour and some pretty good friends that have got your back :) Love ya!
