Monday, July 5, 2010

Fire Works and Empty Arms

So im sad today.  Which here lately really isnt all that abnormal.  Took the kids out to see the fireworks last night and found myself so sad.  All I kept thinking while watching Jacob that I will never get to see Rowan's face light up the first time she sees fireworks.  sigh...   I swear everywhere I turned I saw pregnant women and that should be me!!!  It should be!  It's not though and I think I have done pretty good accepting that. 
I took a job hoping it will help my mind not dwell on my situation but it dosent help, here lately all I can think about is her.  They introduced a new jewlery line on my first day of work called the Family Cycle jewlery collection and one of the necklaces is a medallion with a Rowan tree on it.  What a cowinkidink!  She is everywhere I swear! 

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